“Is that me?!! Oh God! I look like I am 65, not 50!”
I thought to myself as I was confronted by the huge, unflattering image of myself on the video call.
I didn’t even recognize myself at first.
I looked 15 years older with huge bags under my eyes, “grayish” skin, and wrinkles in places they weren’t before.
I felt AWFUL about my reflection.

“Are you ok, Sandy? You look like you haven’t slept in weeks”…
Said Carol as she got closer to the screen and scanned every inch of my face.
Carol was my ageless, flawless, model-looking friend whose beauty always made me feel inadequate.
(we all have that ONE friend, don’t we?)
I hadn’t seen my girlfriends in YEARS since I moved to Florida, and I deeply missed them…
But I couldn’t help but spend the whole “virtual gathering” staring at myself rather than enjoying the little time I had with them.
I was SO desperate to get off that call.

When the call finally ended, I vented to my fiancé, who said I was being silly and that I looked beautiful.
Yeah, right…
What's he supposed to say? The truth? That I looked like I had aged 20 years overnight?!!!
I spent the rest of the day looking at myself in the mirror, inspecting every new “detail” of my face…
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Scientific References:Panich U., Et. al. Ultraviolet Radiation-Induced Skin Aging: The Role of DNA Damage and Oxidative Stress in Epidermal Stem Cell Damage Mediated Skin Aging. Stem Cells International. 2016.
Schikowski T., Et. al. Air Pollution and Skin Aging. Air Pollution and Health. 2020.
Christensen MS, Packman EW. Skin surface softening effects of jojoba and its derivatives. Proceedings from the seventh international conference on jojoba and its uses. Champaign, IL:
American Oil Chemists’ Society; 1988. Pg 301